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Managing Registries

To access the Registry panel, head to this link or click on the Registries button. Registries Panel

You may post multiple registries, each for a specific category (e.g. “Kitchen”, or “Appliances”, etc.) each of these is called a “Registry”.

Adding a Registry

To add a registry, click the “Add Registry” button on the top-right corner of your screen.

Each registry is a list of Registry Items, which you can fill out as below:

Important Note: Please only fill out the Registry Item Names, not the Claimer field.

Registry Form

Afterwards, save your changes by pressing the “Save” button at the bottom-right corner.

IMPORTANT: Once satisfied with the registry content, check the “Visible on Site (Published)” box to publish the registry to the site. A screenshot is included below.

Publish Checkbox

Once the registry is published, you can view it on the website at

There, invitees can claim any registry items they are willing to purchase. They can only do so after they have submitted their RSVP. Once someone claimes a registry item, their name will appear in the “Claimer” field, as shown below.

Claimer Name